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It’s important and sweet for newlyweds to save the top tier of their wedding cake to enjoy on the first anniversary. The idea behind this tradition, which dates back as far as the late 19th century, is for couples to savor the cake once again — as well as the memories of the big day and the first year of marriage.

Enjoying a well-preserved piece of wedding cake should be a pleasant reminder of your big day, so make sure it isn’t ruined by a dry, smelly cake wrought with freezer burn. Learn how to properly store the top layer of cake when you read more.

To store the cake:

  1. Designate a person to save the top tier once the cake cutting begins.
  2. Set aside any fragile and large ornaments or decorations, such as the cake topper.
  3. To avoid a stale cardboard taste, ensure the cake sits on wrapped cake board. A cardboard cake board should be wrapped with foil.
  4. Place the cake in a freezer until the icing becomes firm, 20 minutes to three hours, depending on the icing.
  5. Cover all of the cake’s surface area with a generous amount of plastic wrap, avoiding air pockets.
  6. Follow plastic wrap with two layers of aluminum foil.
  7. Place wrapped cake in an airtight storage container and freeze for a year.

To enjoy the cake:

  1. One day before your first anniversary, begin defrosting the cake: transfer it from the freezer to the refrigerator.
  2. After two hours, remove the cake from its wrapping. Continue to defrost in the refrigerator.
  3. Bring the cake to room temperature before consuming.
  4. Serve and enjoy. (This information was proved by an article from www.yumsugar.com)
Posted by The November Company on June 6, 2009   /   Filed under: Dessert, Events, Just for fun, Packaging

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  1. Sunday, June 7th, 2009
    that sound great! i wish id known that it was even possible so i could have told my big bro and his wife... their 1st anniversary is this month :/
    • novembercompany
      Sunday, June 7th, 2009
      For your next siblings event or family member, and give them a happy anniversary salute from us at November!